ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.3.19 Individual Time and Topic Report


Individual Time and Topic Learning Log

Figure 6.25: Individual Time and Topic Learning Log
The Individual Time and Topic report gives detailed information on the topics each student has attempted and mastered (Fig. 6.25). To see the student's Learning Sequence Log on a certain date, click on the grey column above the date. The Learning Sequence Log will display the time and result of the attempted topic. By clicking on the Result icon below the name of the topic (Wrong, Correct, or Success), you can see specific problem the student worked on, along with their answer and the solution.
A wider date range can be chosen for the individual report, up to six months at a time. This report also includes for the student, the last login date, the enrollment date, and hours worked per week.
Students can view their Time and Topic Report by clicking the Report link at the top of their page and selecting the appropriate tab.