ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.8.8 Student Roster (Institution Level)


Student Roster (Institution Level)

Figure 6.72: Student Roster (Institution Level)
Administrators can view a roster for all students at the school by selecting Student Roster from the Institution Administration. This default roster setting shows all active classes that students are currently enrolled in (Fig. 6.72). If students have more than one ALEKS class, their classes are grouped under the Class column. Select the "Plus" icon to see more rows.
Administrators can use the following filters to display various groups of students in the roster:

Displays students who are currently enrolled.

Displays students who are currently unenrolled.

Valid Subscription
Displays students with a valid ALEKS subscription.

Displays students with an expired ALEKS subscription.
For information about student roster at the Instructor level and Course Roster, see Secs. 6.2.9 and  6.4.32.