To edit a Homework assignment, click on the Assignment List link. Next,
check the box next to the Homework name that you want to edit. Click the
Edit action to edit the assignment. Homework can be
modified up to the moment when the first student begins to take it;
extensions can be created at any time.
STEP 1 through STEP 5 can be
edited on this screen. Also, at the bottom of the Edit Homework screen is
a Delete this homework button. Clicking this button
will delete the Homework assignment.
Create Extension. When students are enrolled in a
course, the Create Extension feature is available on
the Edit Homework page. Extensions can be created for one or more
students. To create the extension, click on the Create
Extension button, select the date and time
through which the extension will be in effect, choose the student(s) who
will be given the extension, and click the Create
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