ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.9.13 Master Template Reports


Administrators can run reports quickly and easily at the Master Template level using the Master Template Reports feature. This feature allows administrators to generate a single report for all courses linked to a Master Template.
For each Master Template in use, Administrators can select from a variety of reports. ALEKS will generate the report and email it to the administrator as an Excel attachment. The report will include the students' names, instructors' names, class sections, and the relevant report data.
To access the Master Template reports:
  1. From the Master Templates sub-navigation, select Master Templates List.
  2. Locate the Master Template you wish to run reports for.
  3. Under the Reports column, select the paper-like icon for the pre-built Master Templates Reports options. (Or, select the tool-like icon to create a Custom Report; Sec. 6.3.24.)
  4. You will see a list of available reports. Click on the link of the report you would like to generate.
  5. Select the Send Me the report button.
At the end of the process, you will see a confirmation message letting you know that the request is being processed.
NOTE. Blank Excel attachments will be generated if linked courses to a Master Template do not contain students.