ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.8.4 Instructor Roster


Instructor Roster

Figure 6.71: Instructor Roster
Administrators can view a roster for all instructors at the school by selecting Instructor Roster from Institution Administration. The Instructor Roster displays detailed instructor information (Fig. 6.71). The roster can be used to manage other instructor's account settings, including permission levels, viewing dashboards, sending messages, and archiving or deleting accounts. Multiple instructor accounts can be updated at the same time through the Instructor Roster, and individual instructor accounts can be edited through each instructor's Account Settings from their Account Summary. There are features in the Instructor Module that can be used to manage ALEKS subscriptions, register students, and manage student accounts. Some features consume purchased ALEKS subscriptions; therefore, administrators can limit instructors' access to these features by enabling or disabling permissions per Instructor. Edit Multiple Permissions can be done from the Instructor Roster under Institution Administration. To edit a specific instructors's permissions, select the instructors's account summary.
NOTE. Archiving can be used to simplify the Instructor Roster so that only current instructors appear in the roster. Archived accounts can be accessed and un-archived at any time; archiving does not impact the instructors' ability to access their accounts.